Saturday, January 23, 2010

From Where You Came, You Shall Return To

Orang berbudi, kita berbahasa,
Alam memberi, manusia menerima.

Namun sejauh manakah manusia mampu menerima sekiranya alam sudah tiada apa-apa lagi yang mampu diberi?

Explanation: I am speaking to a Malay friend of mine as I am typing this post hence the urge to use the Malay Language. =)

My father did a pretty decent job trimming the tree in our so-called garden today. As I was helping him to clear away the beautiful green trimmings, it was almost painful to just imagine them being carried away in a truckload of other trash from around the neighbourhood (the "trash", I believe, really are mostly recyclable material and organic wastes which deserve far better treatment than to be dumped in a landfill, taking their time to decompose to release the absolutely unnecessary methane gas - which reminds me; I am still thinking of ways to reduce the amount of trash produced in my home). So we proceeded to act green - taking the trimmings to a roadside land near our house and spreading the greens over the greens and browns of nature, where a little tree stood, nodding in thankfulness as it pondered upon the abundant nitrogenous nutrients it would, in time, obtain. (Perhaps a little too heavy on the personification here.)

As grateful as the little tree is, I bow to it in greater humility and gratitude for it is with it that I began my green adventure. It is my prayer that my adventure would blossom with the fruitful growth of this little tree.

Someone on the series "Big Ideas For A Small Planet" once said that being environment conscious is like catching the flu bug. There is no cure to it.

I wish not for a cure. There should not be a cure anyway.

Going green generates genuine goodness!

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