Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Morning Theatre

I wouldn't fake my appreciation by saying that the housing area I live in has a beautiful backyard. Two rows of houses which backsides face each other, separated by a narrow tarred lane with gates for security at opposite ends is pretty much the only way I can, at this moment, think of describing it. Since my room is located at the back of the house, the backyard is pretty much the first thing I see every morning (excluding whatever that comes into sight the second I awake from sleep). It has been a little more than a month since I began my day by stretching, looking out of the windows at whatever that my eyes choose to wander to. But it is only yesterday that I realised I have been, unknowingly to myself, recognising and becoming accustomed to the presence of a family of four birds in the backyard. Actually, I am not too sure myself if they are a family. I doubt they are. I am not too sure even if they are always the same four birds. This I think they are. But I am not into ornithology so I am not able to tell with conviction. Anyway, every morning, the four birds would always be around, perched somewhere along the electric cables or on the roofs of my neighbours' houses. Perhaps there are more than four of them, but four is always what I see. If I could speak animal or even speak bird, I would love to say a word of gratitude to these four birds. As I do my morning stretches and twists, my room windows serve as a television box, and I am tuning into the backyard channel with the daily broadcast of "The Antics Of The Four Birds". I do not know how many of us actually take the time to watch the birds near our houses, but I think it really is quite a pleasant entertainment. More than that, it simply brings a sense of tranquil. Not all of us have the knowledge to understand their actions and behaviours but we all possess the power of imagination, the beauty of creating. So I took the liberty of composing my own interpretation and truthfully, allowing our minds to enter a state of fantasy first thing in the morning is a pretty awesome way to start any day! We could even take a step further by listening and paying attention to the sounds of the morning, incorporating the audio elements into our self-generated stories of "The Morning I Woke Up". In my case, the chirping of the birds is my morning sound. I am thankful for a quiet neighbourhood (or rather, a quiet backyard) because that allows me to direct my focus to the natural songs sung by the natural flying family, which I now acknowledge as a company to my morning routine. There really is nothing more calming than paying attention to the sounds of our surroundings, wherever we are. Even in the noisiest of situations, if we choose to shut off sight and enlarge our hearing capacity, we could still gain some form of tranquil. Perhaps when we master the art of listening,we would also learn what I would term as selective hearing. Then we could shut off sounds which are disturbing and amplify sounds which are pleasing and Feed Ones. But this is, of course, just another one of my random wandering thoughts. For now, I am grateful for my mornings simply for being the way they are.

Pay attention. Imagine. Create.=)

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