Thursday, January 28, 2010

Mind Over Matter

As I am typing this post, listening to the enthusiastic cries of a little boy to his parents next door, I am wondering what my friend in her "kampung" is doing. I am inspired by her decision to remove herself from the hustle and bustle of the city to indulge in the tranquil and freshness of her "kampung". If I had the place and opportunity, I would not hesitate at all in spending a good three months in a "kampung", a real "kampung". Taking in the natural scent of Mother Earth, embracing the beauty of a simple life of giving and sharing. I have never been to a true "kampung" so perhaps my thoughts of what one really is are not accurate, but I hold conviction in its wonderful simplicity no cities can offer.

While I am here in KL thinking of, discovering and trying ways to be a contributing child of Mother Earth, my dear friend is reaping joy and fun from her chilli planting project. It is not a major one, as it is obviously shown in the pictures (which also show the other larger planting grounds), but the moral profits she would and is already gaining, are, I believe, very precious. To watch something grow from a seedling into a fruit-bearing plant, to foster care and attention on the wellbeing of it, is definitely an enlightening experience. What is more, she is giving back to the soil we have all taken so much from.

I may choose to blame circumstances for not being able to accomplish what I desire - in this case, to spend time in a "kampung", to give back to Mother Earth like how my friend is doing. On the flip side, I may choose to gather the resources that I have now and shower my concern on feasible projects with the tools and materials I currently possess.

Circumstances are mere excuses, a means of escape.
There is always something that we can do HERE and NOW.

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