Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Vastness & The Bagpack

Counted simply, I went in and out of the school hall 23 times within these two months, summing up to 23 papers. I thought it would be a pull through that period, but having officially ended secondary education, it really was more of a journey towards a new beginning. As 23 went down to 22 to 21 and finally to 0, as I descended the hill of exam, I was climbing up the plateau to a fresh phase. And now that I have reached the flat top, my vision is set upon a vastness I have yet to but am truly eager to explore. This vastness is rejuvenating, this vastness is refreshing, not in the slightest bit intimidating. Perhaps it is a will of my childishness to look upon a future so uncertain as Land O' Plenty. If that is the case, childish be me then. Looking upon this vastness that spreads before me, I'd rather embrace it than to endure it.

As I now stand at the peak of this plateau, I carry with me a bagpack of gratitude. Be it the period of 23 to 0, or the period to 23, or even the period after 0, I have much to be grateful for. All the little Ones which or whom have accompanied me through every day of living, each had and perhaps still is imprinting tracks of gracious deeds on the land I am travelling on. This bagpack I am carrying is a bottomless one, simply because there is so much gratitude I can and will put in it. As this bagpack gets heavier, then I know that I am that bit more enlightened.

This vastness is one that I am learning to embrace and this bagpack of gratitude is one that I will never cease to carry with me. Perhaps it is through this vastness that I am given the opportunity to make more bagpacks of gratitude to be permanent companions of the Ones who are and will be a part of my peristalsis.

With utmost childishness,
"I'm ready!"

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